We are here to offer you a competitive advantage by giving you some much-needed

and in the process you will also experience personal or business



Setting up and working
a profiling system
for recruitment.


We help assess each candidate's true potential.




Body Language
Communication Styles
Listening Skills

Customer Care

Customer Service Strategy :
3 steps to take.

Customer Care

Great service providers inform customers what to expect then exceed the promise.


You need to dig the well
before you need
the water.


People choose to do business with people they know and trust...

Rewards & Incentives

Recognition for a
job well done.

Rewards & Incentives

A thoughtful, personal kind of recognition...

Vision & Purpose

Creating passion and creativity.

Vision & Purpose

If you believe it you will see it.

Stress Management

The ABC of Stress.

Stress Management

Stress can't be avoided but it can be controlled.


Schools and Lunchtime Learning.


Sharing ideas on a
variety of topics...


The ABC of Stress Book

What is stress? To most of us, the word stress is a way to say  that we a feeling tired, pressurised, exhausted, unhappy, overwhelmed, tense, powerless or fearful or distressed.

Stress is not there to be avoided at all costs. Stress, can however, be controlled.

In this book, The ABC of Stress, Leon Grové uses over 25 years of experience as a Clinical Psychologist and Management Consultant, to break down solutions and problems relating to stress in a fun, informative way. It is a quick read to get your thoughts rolling and to stimulate you to take a look at your own life and how you are really dealing with stress.

R85 per book (inclusive of vat and postage) or R750 for 10 plus 2 free.